Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac, is ruled by the planet Venus and symbolized by the Scales of Balance. In Roman mythology, Venus was recognized as the goddess of love and beauty. Similarly, the natives of Libra are the very personification of refinement and affection, endearing you with their genteel manner and melting your heart with their ingratiating smiles. With all the sugary sweetness of a box of chocolate Bordeaux cremes or the enchanting fragrance of a fresh-picked bouquet of daisies, the Libran personality blossoms forth, leaving proclamations of love, tokens of affection, and a host of smiles in its wake. Such may be your first impression of the indomitable Libran charm, but don't let all that sugar and spice fool you. October-born can be as quarrelsome, as irritable, as intractable as any sign in the zodiac, and then some. Sound a little confusing? It is at first, but not after you understand the subtly paradoxical nature of this Sun sign. Libra, you see, is the sign of balance, and just as a set of pharmaceutical scales will teeter back and forth before achieving a new balance, October-born will vaccinate to and fro between extremes— mental, emotional or physical— until they achieve the harmony they seek. Just tilt their scales out of balance by playing your radio too loudly or by puffing your cigarette too profusely in their direction, and these natives can turn from peace-loving doves into cantankerous crocodiles. When everything is in harmony, however, there is nothing quite like the Libran's congenial charm.
Just watch your Libran friend closely next time, and you will invariably catch his subtle balancing act. You can almost see his mental see-saw in action as he carefully surveys a situation or problem. His eyes will move back and forth, much like the inertial swing of his zodiacal symbol, as he considers the pros, the cons, the maybe's and the possibilities, all with intelligence, exacting logic, and painstaking perseverance. Don't expect him to give you the fruit of his mental efforts right away. The Libran will have to mull it over in his mind a while, making sure he has considered all the facts and that no stone has been left unturned which could affect his final analysis. When he does make a decision, however, you can probably bank on it for its correctness and integrity as a judgement based on a fair evaluation of the facts. As polar opposite of the subjective Aries, the Libran is quite capable of objective judgement, irrespective of his own tastes, mores, philosophy, or preferences. Perhaps this is why there are more judges born under Libra than under any zodiacal sign and why the Scales have come to represent our system of justice.
The Libran's sense of balance and equilibrium is no less noticeable in his physical appearance. The typical Libran physique will be very evenly proportioned, rendering a balanced bodily appearance. Even when these natives put on weight, their weight gain will occur more or less evenly over the entire body rather than in one specific area. In fact, because there are usually no exaggerated or pronounced physical characteristics, it may be hard to recognize the Libran frame at first, but the very aspect of regular bodily proportioning can be your first clue. The bodies of both sexes will be of medium height and average build, with a decided tendency to curviness, and there will be a certain litheness of movement which can only be called graceful. There may be a tendency to robustness in the females or effeminacy in the males, further exemplifying the Libran penchant for balance, even between the sexes! This is not to diminish in any way the sexuality of October-born; quite the opposite is true, but you won't find many Libran males whom you would call surly, or many of the females whom you'd say were petite. Suffice it to say there is a certain refinement in the frame and features of both sexes which can be said to express some of the qualities of the opposite sex. Despite planetary misgivings, Libran beauty is in a class by itself, and the reputation these natives have as lovers may in part be due to their ability to see in the other person some aspects of themselves while at the same time reflecting some of their partner's qualities.
If there is any one physical characteristic which is typically Libran, it is the Venusian dimple. October-born will usually have a couple in the cheeks or one in the chin. If not in the face, try looking in the knees; even the elbows can be a good hiding place for this Libran trademark. Some Librans' dimples won't show until they smile, and then these Venusian beauty marks come shining through, one on each end of the Libran's grin. And while we're on the subject of smiling, that is another telltale sign of the sons or daughters of Venus. The Libran smile can melt even the coldest of hearts, or brighten the most melancholy of moods. It beams; it projects, and transforms the Libran's face into a beacon of sunshine, making those around him feel good all over. From its warmth and sincerity to the way it crinkles up the corners of the eyes, it proliferates the irresistible Libran messages of peace, love and beauty wherever it shines.
Whoever came up with the phrase, "Better weigh your words carefully," must surely have been talking about a Libran, for October-born are forever doing just that. For one thing, the mental scales they constantly carry with them certainly make them equipped for the job, and you'll rarely see a native who isn't using them to the fullest. When in an argument, for example, the Libran will not only weigh his own words, but he'll weigh his opponent's too. He'll know just how much force to apply in his favor so as not to cause his opponent to balk and throw the whole matter out the window. In business, diplomatic relations, or in negotiating of any kind, this can be a most valuable asset, for the Libran is able to accomplish what he desires without destroying a relationship which could be valuable to him in the future. It is little wonder then, that so many public relations people, diplomats, politicians and statesman are born under this sign.
The Libran flair for tact and diplomacy is unparalleled in the zodiac, but the ease with which they pursue their argumentative techniques can sometimes make you wonder where they really stand. If you argue the need for relief to the starving throngs in Africa, your Libran friend might purposely take the opposing view, stating that giving food only perpetuates the problem, and the programs of education and agricultural reform are too long-range to provide real answers to the people's immediate needs. If, on the other hand, you were to take the position that relief should be abandoned, that same Libran friend would argue that ultimately the problem of hunger could be solved if the programs of education and reform were implemented simultaneously with immediate relief, and that work begun now could be of help to future generations. The task of sorting out the Libran's true feelings or motives can sometimes be a dizzying prospect. Too often they are accused of being wishy-washy, two-faced or without moral values, but in reality they are just trying to balance out their scales, and yours too. Nothing irritates the Libran's harmonizing intellect more than thinking which is narrow or one-dimensional. If they think your line of reasoning is too pat or simplistic, they'll purposely take the opposing view just to correct any incongruities in your thinking and to put things in a more balanced perspective. Being able to see both sides of a situation, the Libran sometimes finds it difficult to make a solid commitment one way or the other, and his stand on issues may be only temporary or serving his immediate needs. His own true feelings he may keep in abeyance, awaiting further input which could again tip his scales to the opposite view. These qualities will make him seem very much the procrastinator, and you may have a difficult time getting a unconditional opinion from him one way or the other. If a woman were to ask her Libran husband which dress she should wear to a formal function, he might reply, "Well, the red one goes well with your hair, and the blue one goes well with your eyes, but they might be too gaudy for a formal affair. The green one is subtle enough, but it might clash with my blue shirt. Come to think of it, maybe the blue one will be alright... or maybe the beige would be better." She might as well have saved her breath. True, she will have heard every possible argument for wearing each style of apparel, but by the time this son of Venus had balanced his scales over the matter, the function might be half over. Librans seem not to have so much respect for time as natives of their zodiacal predecessor, Virgo. They understand perhaps too well the meaning of being fashionably late, but unless there's a Virgo or Gemini Ascendant, their tardiness can begin to wear like last year's fashions. Sometimes their tendency to procrastinate can draw out for years what other signs could accomplish in two or three months. That room addition which has stood in different stages of incompletion for the past year or that unfinished patio are projects which may have fallen prey to a Libran's indecision, but rest assured when they are finally finished, they'll be sterling testimonials to the Venusian sense of beauty, balance and style.
'Lazy Libra' is a phrase common in astrological vernacular, but those who would ascribe laziness to October-born have never seen them in their more productive moods. Once their scales have stopped dipping to and fro, and they have committed themselves to a goal, Librans can become powerhouses, using their well-ordered intellects to accomplish in leaps and bounds tasks that might encumber other signs. Once they're motivated, they'll burn the candle at both ends, working tirelessly if necessary, to achieve their avowed goals. The trouble is that in planning any endeavor, October-born can get so lost in the endless labyrinth of strategies, factors and options which have to be weighed and evaluated by their logical minds, that they'll put off starting until it becomes old hat. A Libran in this state of procrastination can give you the best portrayal of laziness you've ever seen. He'll watch TV, yawn, stretch, and then lie down as if half-exhausted all with such convincing lassitude, it'll make you tired just watching him. He's not as idle as he looks, mind you. Though he may not be moving a muscle, his mental scales are busy weighing strategies for his next burst of activity. The Libran obsession with balancing can be as much a hindrance as it is a help to these natives, on the one hand serving as protection against impulsiveness and error, but on the other, providing an all too easy excuse to avoid getting things done. Fortunately, Librans ultimately appeal to their sense of logic, realizing that thoughts must be balanced by action, and these natives will apply themselves to their tasks, accomplishing much in spite of themselves.
When it comes to the subject of love, Librans are on home turf indeed. Loving has been second nature to these individuals ever since they could say "goo" or manage a smile. Venus herself smiles beneficently upon October-born imparting her qualities of loveliness and charm, and these individuals seem to have an instinctive knack for winning your heart. They'll know just how to woo you as the object of their affection, lavishing you with thoughtful presents, reciting exquisite lines of verse (which they've probably written themselves), or whispering sweet nothings to you in the wee hours of the morning. A few select words from the natives of Venus can be more devastating on the battleground of love than real gunpowder, and many a lover has fallen captive to their seductive charms. The recipient of Libran affection, however, can do well to be wary. For all their adeptness at love, Librans can sometimes proffer more fluff than powder, more perfume than substance, and their romancing can amount to many superficial trappings of love rather than real love itself. October-born are well aware of their adeptness as lovers, and they may find the prospect of testing their prowess on the opposite sex now and then irresistible. Although Librans seem to possess the natural equipment for loving, they have by no means cornered the market on love, which belongs to all signs.